Saturday 28 November 2020

STORYJUMPER: Let´s create a digital book!

Hi guys!

On today´s post, I would like yo show you one more amazing resource created with the help of an app website called StoryJumper. This is a tool that allow us to create our own book about any topic in a fun way.

My students and I are currently working on the daily routines and I wanted them to tell me how it is a current day for them. Let me show you some bits of my students´ development:

   Book titled 'My daily routines' 

If you click below, you will see the book better:

Read this book made on StoryJumper

Anyway, after doing so, I would like to reflect upon the following aspects:

Due to the current circumstances, students carried out this task individually but of course with my help. In fact, I recorded for them a short tutorial as a help to elaborate their own projects.

The sequence of this task is the following. First, we make a brainstorming at class; then, we saw my video with the instructions all together, we answer all the questions in case there were any, we make a draft about what they are going to write and finally, run the task in the app. I´ll guide the process all time as a support for them.

The learning objectives are those related to talk about their daily life unconsciously and in a funny way combined with the use of new technologies which is very motivating for them as they study by creating and applying. They felt really enthusiastic when I showed them this new tool because they love the use of new technologies and their laptops or tablets. In this case, it´s a good way to show them the use of ICTs in a didactic way.

Next time we would try to write more information in order to practise other skills such as reading and writing.

Finally, after finishing all projects, we will share them via google classroom and they will make an oral presentation in class in order to share comments about their projects and vote for the best.

I hope you enjoy! Bye!

Thursday 19 November 2020

EDPUZZLE: My daily routines video

 Hi people!

This is a really interesting video about routines that my 8 years-old students and me are working in class inside our Unit 2: My day.

This is an interactive video where you have to complete some questions in order to continue watching. The objectives of this activity are:

-          Identify the main vocabulary of the unit.

-          Add new vocabulary (extension activity)

-          Recognise the present simple tense and practise on it.

-          Review vocabulary from other units.

After students watched the video at home, we talked about it in class and we made a brainstorming activity with new routines that appeared on the video. Therefore, they were very motivating by remembering the new ones and participating all together. In fact, they particularly enjoy the part of answering the multiple-choice questions and checking their own progress.

Next time I will improve my use of this tool and I will create a longer activity with audios to focus on Speaking skills.

So please, sit back and let´s flipping! A big hug 😊

Monday 16 November 2020

TIMETOAST: My daily routines timeline

Hello guys!

Here you are the best project we voted at class when creating our own timeline with the help of the digital tool TimeToast:

The main learning objective of this activity is to help my students study and being able to talk about their daily routines with fluency.

The advantage of using TimeToast I consider is the graphic way of seeing their daily routines so it´s a way to stand out simple vocabulary in low levels.

As I mentioned, I´m working with low levels (8-9 years old) so I decided to set up the activity in order to achieve a final project in groups of 4 that I will evaluate later with the help of an oral comprehension rubric. For this purpose, we have chosen a model text so they have to discuss about it and finally, create their own timeline talking about their routines in a day or in a week.

The activity is easy so they didn´t have any problems to create their own timeline at class but when they were at home, they needed my help. So I recorded them a tutorial as an example that they have to follow when creating their own timelines that finally they will finish at home.

When the project was finished, they felt proud of themselves because it´s something new for them and they really enjoy with activities like this. Nevertheless, it´s not always possible to do this kind of activities because it depends on many factors (the level, resources at school and at home, difficulty, …). Some things I would change are for example the sketch. For example, try to set up a story that happens in different episodes but it always depends on my students´ level.

The use of this tool (TimeToast) helps them their skimming and scanning skills, organise a plan and work cooperatively to achieve the main purpose. Indeed, they feel excited when they have to present their project to their classmates.

Sunday 8 November 2020


Hi again!

I must share with you a reflection upon my reading habits.

It´s not a secret that I love reading since I can remember. However, it´s true that  my reading habits have changed nowadays and new technologies or my job are part of them.

Let´s answer some questions:

1. What kind of books or texts are the people reading? Did they chose the books themselves or did someone else choose for them?

Considering the pictures, people are reading in different places and in different formats too: newspapers, e-books, textbooks, traditional books... In some cases these books are an individual decision and you just read for pleasure but other times, you are typically given or chosen the books you have to read for any purpose (especially kids at school or when you are at the university). Thanks to new technologies, reading any kind of book at any place is possible.

3. Describe how they might be feeling at the moment and give reasons.

Regarding the answer to this question, it can be quite different depending on the situation. For example, students could consider that reading a text in their textbooks in class is really boring because it´s a compulsory activity. On the other hand, if you read something (a magazine, news, a novel…) by choice, that feeling changes.

4.  What texts do you enjoy reading in each language that you speak?

- Do you choose the same kind of texts or do you read very different things depending on the language? What factors determine your choice? 

- In what format do you read (paper, e-reader, online etc.)?

- When do you read?

Finally, as I said before, I love reading whether in English or Spanish because it´s a wonderful way to spread your imagination. But it´s true I usually read news, magazines or articles in L2 (digitally) and novels or short stories in my mother tongue (in paper). Why? I think the main reason is that I expend all day checking my student´s work in the L2 and I also study in English. Therefore, I find myself ending up by reading a book or a story in the L1 for comfort and fatigue when the day is over.