Wednesday 11 January 2023


 Hi students!! 

As I promise, here you are some pictures about your Halloween escape experience and the times of the different team groups! Moreover, remember that you can print the black cat’s tangram if you want to practice and find out other cat positions at home. I hope you enjoy it!


TEAM A: 38 min 

TEAM B: 40 min

TEAM C: 50 min

TEAM D: 51 min

Kisses 💋💋💋


Cómo os prometí, aquí tenéis algunas fotos de vuestra experiencia el día de Halloween escape-room así como los tiempos de cada uno de los grupos. Además, recordad que podéis imprimir el tangram del gato negro si queréis practicar y averiguar el resto de posiciones en casa ¡Espero que lo disfrutéis! 

Besitos 💋💋💋

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Your projects: ALL ABOUT FOOD :)


Hi everybody!!

How are you? I hope you are great!! 😋

As I promise you, here you are more of your projects that we have realized along this school year in coordination with the Natural Science teacher 💚. We hope you have learned the importance of having a varied and a healthy diet! And remember, pizza can be also healthy if we make it in family like if we were "little chefs"!!!🍗🍉🍛🍝🍞

See you soon,

Teacher Valle 


3º PRIMARIA: Pizza game!

4º PRIMARIA: My healthy lunch!

  • NATURALES 3º Y 4º PRIMARIA: Lectura del cuento "Sanotes Sanitos" 💚

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Making wordclouds!!

 Hello students!!

As I promise you, here you are your colourful and creative word cloud from This website about the places of the town from unit 6. It is in a shape of an historical building! It is beautiful and great! I love it! ♥️

Later, I will upload your final projects about your own town 😊

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Social Science & English: MAPA POLÍTICO DE ESPAÑA "Where is it?"

 Hi students!!

How long has it been since the last entry!! I´m sorry but, as you know, I was working on many projects at class and I will upload them little by little.

Now, here you are a preview about the last project in Social Science we are work on it! We have learned about our country, our Andalusian Community and its eight provinces: Jaén, Córdoba, Sevilla, Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga, Granada and Almería thanks to a big puzzle of the 17 Communities in Spain.

Let´s have a look about our project and you can also practice looking for other provinces in other Communities at home playing the following game:

GAME: Where is it?


Bye, bye XXX 😘😘😘

¡Hola mis estudiantes!

¡Cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde la última entrada! Lo siento pero, como ya sabéis, he estado trabajando en muchos proyectos para la clase que iré subiendo al blog poco a poco.

Por ahora, ¡aquí tenéis un adelanto del último proyecto del área de Ciencias Sociales en el cual estamos trabajando! Hemos aprendido sobre nuestro país, nuestra comunidad autónoma (Andalucía) y sus 8 provincias gracias a un gran puzle de las 17 comunidades autónomas de España.

Échale un vistazo a nuestro proyecto y también podéis buscar otras provincias de otras comunidades jugando a este juego en casa.


Adiós, 😘😘😘

Monday 21 December 2020

Happy Christmas holidays :)

Hello to all my students! 

Here you can find two games you can play about Christmas vocabulary and one of my favourite films ever! It is called Klaus. If you have Netflix you can watch it there but if not, click on the picture below to download it and watch it at home with your family.

Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy! J

¡Hola a todos mis estudiantes!

Aquí podéis encontrar dos tipos de juegos que podéis jugar sobre vocabulario relacionado con Navidad y una de mis películas ¡favoritas! Se llama Klaus. Si tenéis Netflix podéis verla desde vuestra cuenta pero si no, haz click en el dibujo de la película que tienes más abajo para descargarla y poder verla en casa con tu familia.

¡Felices vacaciones y espero que os guste!


1. Xmas word game  (click and play!)

2. Merry Christmas vocabulary quiz (click and play!)

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Christmas time with Genially

 Hi my pupils!

Today I would like to share with you an amazing resource created with the help of and also thanks to a great activity created by my virtual mate Sahman (Click here to visit the activity) that served me as inspiration. 

This activity is designed to be carried out by my students but, as we haven´t had much time to do it, I´ve decided to post the template that I will use to explain what they have to do in a cooperative way. The main goal of this project is to practice linguistic skills but also the integration of all linguistic skills such as listening, speaking and interacting, reading and writing. Thus, students will learn basic vocabulary related to Christmas in an unconscious and a funny way. As the other activity, the steps must be clear:

1. Choosing the topic: This time, the vocabulary is connected to Christmas. They have to work on the video presented in class.

2. Establishing groups: Groups will be distributed randomly 2 or 3 students. As always, my role as a teacher is to control the heterogeneity of these groups.

3.  Learning how to use Genially: First, I will show a template that I previously created in order to explain what they have to do and then, they have to create a quiz game with the vocabulary of the song. But first, they must do a draft that I have to check before presenting on Genially that they keep it in their Portfolios.

4. Timing: Considering they have different rhythms of work and paces of learning, I will take into account their abilities and their personal characteristics when looking at the timing. Therefore, I planned the following:


Session 1

Review vocabulary

Session 2

ICT lesson


Session 3

Working on the template

Session 4

Working on the template

Session 5

Working on the template


Session 6

Presentation of the Final Task (Genially project)


Session 7

Evaluation and vote for the best

5. Evaluating: The development of the Key Competences requires reinventing the evaluation in order to assess the use that students make of a learning situation. Thus, I will use as the main instrument of the final task a rubric of linguistic skills and Key Competences which allows me to carry out a direct observation of my learners ‘performances and to work on their linguistic competence.

It has five items (presentation, use of vocabulary and use of grammar, attitude towards the L2 and the principle of intelligibility) according to the different learning rhythms of work of my pupils. This instrument provides the competency profile of the area, so it´s a tool used to interpret and grade student’s work.

Finally, when pupils have finished their performances, they have to vote for the best. This is evaluation by peers where students evaluate their classmates with constructive feedbacks.

Sunday 20 December 2020

Interaction: Some bloggers you must know

 Hi again!

This time I ´ve posted this blog entry after having a look at my virtual classmates´ blogs. Now, I am going to analyse two of them. I promise they are amazing! Click on the pictures if you want to visit them.

The first one is a blog created by my virtual mate Sahman. When I discovered this blog, I started to use it in an inspirational way since he created activities really similar to the ones I make for my primary pupils. It seems to me very clear, tidy and easy to follow. If you need to look for a website that can give you ideas about how to work on traditional topics such as emotions or the parts of the house in a creative way, Sahman´s blog is your website!

The only thing I can mention is to include for example some quotes/pictures to make it more colourful or a link tree where we can find different interesting websites or resources that he uses as a support. Even so, I really like it and it can be aprecciated the great job behind doors.

The second one is a blog created by my virtual mate "La tishe"😜. It sounds funny, doesn´t it? This English teacher also creates activities that are appealing for me since she is also really creative and presents them in a colourful way. I can appreciate she establishes a clear structure of each of the proposed activities and that´s a very important thing when we work with low levels such as Primary Education is. 

A little suggestion I can say about this blog is to be careful with the text format. She uses different colours and text formats in each blog entry so it can sometimes looks messy.