Tuesday 21 June 2022

Your projects: ALL ABOUT FOOD :)


Hi everybody!!

How are you? I hope you are great!! 😋

As I promise you, here you are more of your projects that we have realized along this school year in coordination with the Natural Science teacher 💚. We hope you have learned the importance of having a varied and a healthy diet! And remember, pizza can be also healthy if we make it in family like if we were "little chefs"!!!🍗🍉🍛🍝🍞

See you soon,

Teacher Valle 


3º PRIMARIA: Pizza game!

4º PRIMARIA: My healthy lunch!

  • NATURALES 3º Y 4º PRIMARIA: Lectura del cuento "Sanotes Sanitos" 💚

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Making wordclouds!!

 Hello students!!

As I promise you, here you are your colourful and creative word cloud from This website about the places of the town from unit 6. It is in a shape of an historical building! It is beautiful and great! I love it! ♥️

Later, I will upload your final projects about your own town 😊

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Social Science & English: MAPA POLÍTICO DE ESPAÑA "Where is it?"

 Hi students!!

How long has it been since the last entry!! I´m sorry but, as you know, I was working on many projects at class and I will upload them little by little.

Now, here you are a preview about the last project in Social Science we are work on it! We have learned about our country, our Andalusian Community and its eight provinces: Jaén, Córdoba, Sevilla, Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga, Granada and Almería thanks to a big puzzle of the 17 Communities in Spain.

Let´s have a look about our project and you can also practice looking for other provinces in other Communities at home playing the following game:

GAME: Where is it?


Bye, bye XXX 😘😘😘

¡Hola mis estudiantes!

¡Cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde la última entrada! Lo siento pero, como ya sabéis, he estado trabajando en muchos proyectos para la clase que iré subiendo al blog poco a poco.

Por ahora, ¡aquí tenéis un adelanto del último proyecto del área de Ciencias Sociales en el cual estamos trabajando! Hemos aprendido sobre nuestro país, nuestra comunidad autónoma (Andalucía) y sus 8 provincias gracias a un gran puzle de las 17 comunidades autónomas de España.

Échale un vistazo a nuestro proyecto y también podéis buscar otras provincias de otras comunidades jugando a este juego en casa.


Adiós, 😘😘😘